One of my must see daily blogs is the gals over at Bon Bon Rose Girls. Kristen and Megan (Kristen is the gorgeous bride and her best bud and blog partner Megan at her side) are BFF's and cover daily fashion inspiration, recipes, interior design, life and have loads of fun giveaways. I've seen them grow from their beginnings to now over 600 loyal followers. Yippee girls! These gals get it, deliver it and are one powerhouse of a blogging team. They were even kind enough to do a little feature on Fabulous Finds & Co because they are cool chicks with big hearts. In the process, somehow I got an interview out of them. I can be sly like that. Check it out... because I was wondering how you go from 0 to 600 in a matter of months and thought it was worth a share.
How did you gals get together?
K: We met in high school and have been BFFs ever since. I didn't think it was possible for us to get any closer, but becoming partners has been a wonderful addition to our friendship!
M: We've been bestie's forever (seriously I think I still had braces!) and have always wanted to collaborate. This seemed like the perfect opportunity and has been so fun for us to do together even though were 1,000 miles apart!
What is your background?
K: I was that girl who had a few, ahem, majors in college and finally settled on psychology. I then planned on attending law school, but marriage and the bambino derailed those plans. I think it was a blessing in disguise, as I am now able to do something I truly love which is writing about fashion
and whatever else comes into my brain. Someday I'll make millions at it. Ah ha ha
M: I've worked in marketing and PR and always had a love for writing and doing things creatively. I'm also someone who has a thousand To Do lists at all time and love to be busy. BonBonRose had been a great way to combine it all!
Did you both have previous blogs and combined?
K: We were a package deal from the get go!
M: Nope this was 100% collaboration from day 1!
How did you get your eye for style?
K: Fashion is something I've always loved. I don't know whether I have a true eye for style, but I love what I love and I adore sharing it with our readers.
M: Well Kristin is the one with the natural eye, mine has come from ridiculous amounts of HGTV and design mags!
What's your joy from your blogging?
K: I've truly enjoyed becoming a part of such an amazing community. Blogging has given me not only a creative outlet, but it's led to true friendships as well.
M: I love getting to share my experiences with others as well as learning about design from bloggy friends and sites.
What's your challenges from blogging?
K: For me, it's been fitting in blogging around my little dude's schedule. He's number one after all!
M: My biggest challenge has been devoting the time. It has grown so fast and I want to make sure our readers get the very best of me every time.
Thank goodness I have Kristin! I don't know how solo bloggers do it! Oh and the html coding nightmares but those stories require a stiff drink in hand!
What three words describe your blog or you two?
K: Fun, flirty and fabulous. I hope. Hee hee. We try to keep it light hearted and current. Our blog is meant to be an escape from the realities of life.
M: Upbeat: I've had friends tell me that one of the reasons that they enjoy reading us is that we make an effort to keep things positive and fresh.
Open: We love trying new things, whether its a new pair of shoes or paint color. We hope to bring new perspectives to our readers and keep em on their toes!
Sisterhood: Kristin and I function like family and there is no one I count on or rely on more as a friend.
What's your goal for your blog?
K: I would love to see our baby blog just keep gettin' better as she grows up!
A: To keep growing an continually raise the bar for our own projects and posts.
What would we be surprised to learn about either or both of you?
K: Most people are surprised when they learn about my country music obsession. I have seen George Strait a countless amount of times and my cowboy boots hold a coveted spot in my closet.
M: I think for me people would be surprised at how dry my sense of humor in person is. Its hard to translate sarcasm when you're writing for a broad audience but in person its very, very deliciously dark.
What would you like to add?
K: I would like to thank everyone who finds our blog worth stopping by. It continues to amaze me that people find my gibberish interesting. Ah ha
A: A huge apology for my lack of comma use. My husband asks me on a daily basis, often after reading my posts, why I have a personal vengeance towards the comma.
What inspires you both?
K: My bambino, my hubs, my friends, what I find in the endless number of magazines I subscribe to...I'm inspired by it all!
A: Everything, especially color, food and wine!
Any marketing advice?
K: I try to comment back whenever possible. I want everyone that took the time to read and comment on our posts how much we appreciate it!
A: Marketing advice, connect with other bloggers, a personal talent of Kristin's. Also post great content daily!
Now, go on over to their place. I am sure you will find it fabulous!! Cowboy boots or not! http://bonbonrose9.blogspot.com/ Let me know what you think! Or, if you are already a fan of this dynamic duo. For me, blogging has given me the unique opportunity to come in contact with so many fabulous talented people like Kristen and Megan. Merci!
Great interview with BonBon Rose' ladies. :-) Love them!
OMG, how did I miss this??? Thanks lady!!!
Thanks just discovered BOTH of your blogs from Liz at It's Unbeweavable and love the fashion and fun updates! Hoping my blog gets there too!
so cute! I love this blog! such fun posts!
Great interview - I always love finding out more about my favourite bloggers :)
Such a fabulous interview! :) It only reemphasizes all the reasons that I love BonBon Rose! :)
love my bonbon girls...great interview!
Kristen and Megan are darling and their blog is fun of fashion and fun! :D
Ooh its great to know the background on those FAB girls..Thanks for letting us in on their ways and how they got so many stinkin loyal fans! Oh and by the way nice to meet you!
Love, your newest stocker!
Great interview! Kristin is the sweetest. :)
Love the interview!!! I love them, and have been reading them FOREV!!! They're amazing. A true inspiration.
Stopping by from BonBonRose...I must say that I am a dedicated reader!
So glad that I popped over..love your blog!! Consider me a follower!
They're both so fabulous and I look forward to their posts everyday!
Great interview and lovely blog! :)
Oh this was such an awesome interview!! I love the Bonbon rose!! And Kristen hit it right on: the best way I can think to describe their blog is fun, flirty, and fabulous. :)
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