Judy Aldridge's page showing her unique sophisticated style. Here's a great interview with Judy. These gals are really making a mark on the fashion industry, showing the power of social networking and it all started with a blog.
What have you gotten out of blogging?
I have been blessed with becoming blog friends some of the most respected, talented, creative and kind people I have ever meet in my life. You know who you are, if you are reading this! I actually asked Judy Aldridge via e-mail to advertise on her or her daughter's blog when I first started, about six months ago. She sent me back a very kind e-mail letting me know that they had something "in the works", so they couldn't do it at this time. But, wished me luck and showed how classy and compassionate she is. So, when I opened my Vogue magazine last month and saw them in it I was ecstatic for them. Oh, how I love when good things happen to great people!!!
So, had to blog about it and share with you what could actually be possible for a lucky few or many of us bloggers ! You know the old question from nonbloggers, "Why do you blog?" Well, my new response is going to be "because you don't know where it is going to take you in your friendships, contacts, and opportunities. That's the fun of it and learning a whole lot about the world in the process." I've gotten inspired, connected to humanity, made friends from all over the world, found so many like minded people, learned so much about being supportive of others accomplishments and trials, and basically become a better person through it all. And, I have been privileged to interview the most amazingly gifted, giving and inspirational people. Reading a magazine never gave me any of this. So, here I am typing in the dark this morning before I make my coffee, hit the treadmill and my little one & hubby wakes up. I've got my priorities, baby!
I blog on... I type on... I connection on...
I hope you do the same...
Photo credits: 1, 2 and 3 Found at Sea of Shoes blog
4, 5 and 6 on Style.com/Vogue.com here and Vogue magazine
Oh yeah, they are brilliant ladies! :-) and LUCKY!
I blog to get feedback on the things I make and to market my label, but I also love sharing my outfits and having a record of them to look back upon for when I'm old and fat!
Wow, to have that inherent style at such a young age. Crazy. I blog to stay sane and avoid the dreaded mommy brain. Ah ha
awesome mother/daughter team.
blogging has allowed me to connect with people all over the world. i love that each persons blog reflects their unique perspective. blogs are a million times better than fashion magazines in my opinion. yours included!
Like mother like daughter! That's great for them, having a feature is probably a dream come true!
I got a lot of things out of blogging: showing my work, discovering like-minded people, being able to share some experiences, getting feedback.
I'm loving the blogging world!
What about you?
What a wonderful post! I can't think of anything better than working with mom successfully!
Thanks for the spotlight on a great team. Hey, Christina, I've been trying to email you but haven't heard back. Are you getting them?
I love the mother/daughter blogging! I wish my mom would blog!
It's nice you both get to know one another as grownups.
How cool... always wanted a daughter...but then she would steal my shoes! I hear you about blogging, it is so much more personal, and interesting. With magazines closing, this may become the way of the world!
Have a great day!
Great post! There's nothing like the blogging community for the best friends and support you could ever ask for!
Great article. Excellent writing. I love to read articles that are informative, Thanks again for a nice site.
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