It's award time, darlings! Oh my... it feels like Christmas. My favorite part of Christmas is giving, so I am one happy blogger today! All you dolls are so deserving of an award and much more. Each of you make blogging worthwhile for me. You fill my days with delightful surprises in couture fashion, street fashion, vintage fashion, daily deals, interior design, Parisian dreams, artistic creations, photography, literature and life experiences. It is a privilege for me to be able to follow you along... day by day, as you share your world. I am so thankful. Merci!
a' Paris Dansant
The Coveted
The Paris Apartment
Threadbear Thoughts
Tit Tees
Wabi & Sabi
Yummie Mammy
Thank you for the lovely awards Fashion Moment, Frou Frou Fashionista and Janetteria. You gals are too kind and the best! Love you back!
Now, go ahead and grab your award. I thought I would let you choose your design. So, grab the award your heart desires. Please pass along to 10 other bloggers an award and the "10 things about you we don't know" tag to spread the love. Although, you can choose whether to be tagged or not. I'm easy. I don't want anyone to feel pressured. Thanks for being a good sport and playing along, if that's what you decide to do.
10 things about me you may not know and maybe didn't care to know:
1. I danced before I walked, per my Grandmother. And continued dancing through my grade school years in ballet, tap and jazz. Oh... I loved to dance. When I had my solo performances when I was 7 and 8 years old, my mom asked me if I was scared and I declared with confidence "No, the more people the better". We laugh about that. Oh... to bottle that confidence and take a shot when needed.
I actually do have some rhythm, but failed piano lessons. The teacher told my mother it was no use. But, I do have an immense respect and love for music by others. One of my few regrets... not taking piano more seriously.

2. The real deal about why I left dancing behind and became a runner. I haven't thought about this in years. I was a competitive long distance runner 5th grade through college. I was MVP for Cross Country, held the 2 mile record, and the most letters of any girl in the high school's history (11 total letters). Blah, blah, blah. Who cares. Something juicy? I became a runner when I beat a gal that was relentlessly wicked to me in grade school. Her name was Suzie. She and a few other choice friends (which were previously my best friends) told anyone that went to my birthday party they wouldn't be "in" anymore. Seriously cruel. Actually, I would love to meet her in an alley someday. Oh, I know, I am way too classy for that. I can dream though... right? She went down in a head to head photo finish type race one day. And, thus, a Runner was Born. I used that speed and endurance that God gave me, not my fists.

3. I have amazing parents that taught me to break rules. Oh... definitely not THEIR rules, but some should be broken or questioned. I was a cheerleader in high school. I was able to overturn the rule that an athlete can't be a cheerleader in conjunction with each other. Thank you to those open minded administrative people that approved it and my parents for their persistence! And, I mixed it up and was in student council as well. I was and am always pushing the envelope. Rules... What Rules?
4. I can be a little devil. I also played field hockey for four years at my slight 5' 2" 90 pound build (oh, I wish I was 90 lbs now). I ran as fast as I could from those Big girls with Sticks. I loved to trip them with my hockey stick. I never got caught. You are here... and now... you are not!

5. I get heckled about... my "mommy" uniform. The uniform consists of my favorite Chanel bracelet (gift from my parents), Beverly Feldman handbag (gift from Mr. Fabulous), gold gladiators, gold hoops and sundress everywhere. To the park, grocery store, birthday parties, out the door, etc...
People that knew me when I ran always think of me as "the runner". People that have only known me during my adult years think of my as a "girlie, girl". My goal is to break out of all "categories" and have people see me as just ME.

6. My short term goal is to learn how to surf. I go to the beach almost everyday with my son and Mr. Fabulous. Hubby surfs, so I'd like to join in on the fun. Not a bad life. No complaints.
7. I haven't written since college. That was many years ago. I would like to get better at it and expand my vocabulary. I am humbled by so many of my fellow bloggers that are amazingly gifted in this arena.
8. I am perplexed about the next chapter in life. I have no idea what I am going to do when I go back to work. I have about a year to figure this out. Little man goes to Kindergarten this fall. Any suggestions are much appreciated about what to do with myself on the job front!

9. I love fashion and interior design with the same unbridled passion. It's truly a 50/50 split. I changed clothes 5 times a day when I was 5. I still have the urge, but don't want to do the laundry. I started decorating ten years ago, right before I hooked up with Mr. Fabulous. So, I am a newbie at it. But, I got a certificate of design for fun. The biz/marketing degree was definitely not just for fun.
10. I am floored and amazed each time a get a comment from anyone. Especially when I respect them so. Which would be all my followers. They are truly amazing. Have you seen the talent in the house? Seriously...
So, I hope you enjoyed learning something new about me. Bless you if you are still reading this! I would like to share that these are few things that I don't disclose and my best friends don't even know. I am not a bragger, until it comes to my family. I brag about them. I am humble, grateful, know God gave me any talents I might have and thank God everyday for everything I am blessed with. And, for my amazingly supportive parents that always told me I could do absolutely anything in life, but I had to work for it. I hope I can do the same for my son. That's my goal. Thanks for listening!
Thanking you kindly for the lovely award. You already know that I forget things so you will have to remind me to do my own post ;-) xx
What a gorge and secret info from U. I'm amazed! Oh my gosh! U are really versatile...
what a fabulous gift and a rather wonderfully timed surprise to receive your award-!! I am honored and will enjoy passing it on for sure!
I also was touched to learn about the many incredible things you have done in high school,studies, business and at home with your precious son and Mr. Fabulous !
It is rather sobering to be a mother and wife for me, I am a mover and shaker , tackling projects and dreams- yet, I find my most profound adventures with my loved ones (kids & beloved husband), makes me slow down, breath, reflect, catch their rhythm- being home and doing just these things has taught me alot-
you are really amazing as is your post which reminds me to appreciate my here and now! merci du midi!
WOW! This was a fun post, and thank you for sharing the award with me! I learned that you are an inch taller than me, and I love that you are an athlete and gold gladiator shoe wearer at the same time. You give us all hope for fighting off frumpy!
Thank you lovely lady! I bet with that background you are in ridiculous shape. The hubs would love for me to have some athletic genes to pass on to our son. Alas, they do not exist. ah ha
Thank you so mcuh, darling Christina! Congrats on all your awards too!
I am a runner too :)
Thank you for including me on you link love awards! Wow! You are Super lady surfer mama!
awe, thank you so much! I'm totally with you on #9. I originally went to school for interior design but couldn't stay away from fashion ...but never finished because I started acting. I've been passionate about both forever!
I was so excited to come see what this prize your were talking about was. I feel so honored that you recognized my blog it really means a lot. You are one of the first from another blog to recognized Filthy in the beginning and you've been a strong supporter along the way. Thanks for all the love,
Filthy Gorgeous Blog
thanks so much!! and really, field hockey?! oh the things we learn online...
thankyou thankyou thankyou! how marvelously kind of you! i loved reading your list, and i just posted mine :) much love xx
Merci, fabulous gal! You are a woman of power & purpose~~no matter where you channel all that "energy" it's evident you will succeed beyond even your own high expectations!!
thank you for the award love! i will gladly take the Stylish Blogger Award!
i enjoyed reading your 10 facts...it's interesting to learn about the person behind the blog!
What a pleasant surprise! Thank you and congratulations!
Hi Christina,
Thank you so, so much! You are SUCH a doll! I enjoyed reading your 10 facts... I'll post mine next week so come over and take a look!
Love, Betsy.
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It's great to hear from you and see what you've been up to. It's very beneficial for me and it's filled with information. keep smiling and take care!
Lovely awards! Well done!
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