Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hot Lipstick Heels On Katy Perry~ Love or Not So Much?

Lipstick heels. Love or not so much?
Best wishes to Katy on her
upcoming marriage today.
I can't wait to see what she wears since she is
always pushing the fashion envelope.
What do you think?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fashion Blog Improvement via Links a' La Mode Top Fashion Posts By The Independent Fashion Bloggers

links a la mode

Fashion Blog Improvement

Edited by Jennine Jacob of Independent Fashion Bloggers

Whether you are contemplating starting a blog or if you've been bloggging for a while, getting to know the ropes is a never-ending journey. This week we have a nice round up of bloggers sharing how they do it, what they find important about blogging. From taking your own photos, whether or not to have comments, and how to cover the fashion shows with your own twist, this is the week to buckle down and learn.

Links à la Mode: September 30th


Shop style at Shopbop: Tunics - 291 - Kill City - Tilo - Georgie - Parker - Freecity - Flats



All found at Independent Fashion Bloggers Website.