Sunday, August 30, 2009

Magical Sunday~ Staying Cool in Style and Take A Stroll Through Whim Designs Enchanting Garden

Emma Watson from Harry Potter looking all grown up in a Vintage Ozzie Clark Dress and Parasol .

This vintage dress & parasol make my vintage loving heart skip a beat. What a find... So refreshing...

Fab Finds Gal will be enjoying a tour of Whim Designs of
San Juan Capistrano, California today. This will be my second tour of Eric Guenther and Daviell Maldonado's private home and garden tour. Due to our heat wave, I will surely have a parasol in hand. Viewing their property takes one to another time and place. They have two original properties on a double lot only steps to the beach. It is one of the most enchanting and magical homes I have had the pleasure to view. The proprietors, Eric and Daviell, are the most authentically kind, classy and thoughtful men. They both have impeccable taste in jewellery & home design and can they throw quite a fab soiree too!
Stroll through the gardens with me...
Did you enjoy it as much as I do? Does it feel Parisian to you?

May your Sunday be magical, inspiring and feed your soul.
Thanks for stopping by friend....

1.Phillip Newton photography via Wabi & Sabi
2. Photobucket
3&4 Tim Walker photography
5&6 Photobucket


  1. Beautiful photos with umberellas! :-D


  2. All of these umbrellas remind me of one of my favorite movies The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Lovely photos. I added you to my blog roll today so I don't miss anything!


  3. Such beautiful pictures, i love all the umbrellas, and Emma Watson looks divine! x

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your lovely comments. I am glad that you have visited my blog as it has enabled me to discover yours which I like very much!
    Isabelle x

  5. Great photos. So beautiful and stunning. Hope you had a nice weekend.

  6. I love those big beautiful umbrellas.

  7. What a fabuuulous set of photos, especially that first, giant, lovely, inspiring floral umbrella, love it and hope your sunday WAS so magical!
    Cameron from
    Conquer The Monkey

  8. umbrella photos!!! love them!
    and emma watson looks amazing! even in rain! (sigh)

    miss neira

  9. under my umbrella, ella, ella... hahah i love this post, but my favorite pic is the photo with a lot of umbrellas!!


    Javier de Juanas.

  10. I love this post, the pictures are so amazing and bring me out of myself.

    Dear heart please waste no time on people who truly don't care about you.

    Love Renee xoxo

  11. your pictures are tre manifique'! I just love your beautiful blog, thanks...

  12. I wish I could walk around Tampa with a pretty parasol to protect my skin!

  13. The first photo is spectacular and the leaf parasol is stunning. Unfortunately, in London we usually need an umbrella for all too common rainy days rather than a pretty parasol to shelter from the sun.

  14. There is nothing so stylish as an umbrella. The shot where they're all hanging brightly-coloured and magical in the air makes me glad it's autumn. Not that we've had a dry summer either.

  15. I`m lost inside the beauty of your
    J`adore your blog
    Best Wishes

  16. Hey are you a professional journalist? This article is very well written, as compared to most other blogs i saw today….
    anyhow thanks for the good read!


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Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.