Sunday, May 2, 2010

Oh Brad... Just What The Doctor Ordered

So, after having a few yummy fritos this evening after my soothing bath,
my throat decided to close up on me.
I had to call in the fire department to
bring my breathing back on track.
Well, what the doctor may have ordered
was to keep my blood pressure down,
but to my surprise "Thelma and Louise" is on.
And, dang, can Brad Pitt get my blood pressure boiling.
Oh ya..
I can't be the only one?

When you have moments
where you see how fragile life is,
I think enjoying a little eye candy
is just want the doctor ordered!
Tee hee...



  1. Oh is most important to enjoy a little eye candy, especially when you aren't feeling 100%..get better soon Christina, xv.

  2. Brad Pitt is unbelievably beautiful..... :)

  3. Yikes that sounds scary! But a little Brad would make all things better ;)

  4. These post is SOooo cozy and totally Love,dear Christina:-)))*
    Brad Pitt as always one of the greatest man ever...

    Love and hugs,

  5. ohhh wow.

    the movie was amazing. the young brad :-)



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