Thursday, December 3, 2009

Don't you wish life was more "black and white"?

I love the crisp simplicity of black and white. I wish all things in life could be so clean, simple and clear. But, in decor taking white and adding a splash of black can be mesmerizing. Maybe it's our inter most conscious trying to make life more simple and clean.

What do you think about using black and white in your decor?

I personally have white marble with small black squares in my entry and kitchen. I love the "Southern traditional" style it brings and the versatility. But, if I had a house to start all over again from scratch, I might just start with all white, especially since I live in a beach town. Sanded light wood floors sounds so practical for all the sand and such. Well, I say that now. But, knowing me I would tire of the lack of color. So, I would have to add a splash of pepper.

Do you decorate with all white, or a splash of salt and pepper, or lean towards more color?

If you are living in a all white space now, does it actually bring peace and clarity to you?
Or, do you just wish life was more black and white?



P.S. If you have added me to your blogroll and I haven't done the same in return, please let me know. Merci!

1. Chandelier~ Jose Villa

2. Striped chairs~ Ada and Darcy

3. French room~ White and Wander

4. Striped rug~ Brabourne Farm

6. Bath with mirror~ Delight by Design

7. Console with mirror~Brabourne Farm

8. B & W pictures~ White and Wander

9. Bold stripes~ Delight by Design


  1. Hey there. Thanks for commenting at my blog. I'm so glad you enjoy it. I always love hearing from you. I love these photos. I do love black and white. I've got some friends that do a lot of decorating with these. I tend to have more color in my place, but I do think this is fantastic.

  2. I'm usually a color kinda gal, but those striped chairs have me swooning! Hope the little man is feeling better!

  3. I love that bathtub. Oh could I ever sink into that.

    Wonderful post.

    And by the way your little man is a little doll.

    Love Renee xoxo

  4. I love black and white too! I've never used these colours together - maybe I should! Hope you're having a lovely weekend. Leigh

  5. I love using black and white, timlss combination with so many endless possibilites. I always end up adding a splash of color at the end. Somehow I think of it as a breath of live. One day I will design black and white collection. Thank you for the wonderful post and sharing great pictures!Have a very wonderful Saturday. :-)))

  6. these rooms are stunning! wish it was my house!

  7. This is a beautiful set of images. I really like black and white and use them often, but not always together. I have a large black buffet type piece in my living room. Most of my curtains are white. I wish I had a black and white mosaic floor in my bathroom!


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.