Monday, November 30, 2009

It's That Time... The Red Carpet Awards

Audrey expresses perfectly my mood as I pass along a few awards to my treasured friends in blogland. Well, let me be clear, some are friends and some I just admire. And, admire alot. Have you heard of the blogger stalker? That's me. Tee hee. Don't worry, it's a funny word for peeps that support other bloggers. Don't call the authorities on me.
But, the spirit of gratitude for receiving the awards from my cherished fellow bloggers & friends and the joy of passing them along bring a huge smile to my face. I looked high and low for the perfect Red Valentino gown picture for these "Red Carpet Awards", but Audrey Hepburn reflects perfectly my mood today. So, drum roll please...


The Divine Award from the utterly divine Janetteria...

The Kreative Blogger Award from my fellow vintage clothing loving gal Bobbins And Bombshells...

Thank you so much to the lovely and funny Mommy Wonderland for this fabulous award.

Regarding the Friends award, "This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to be kind and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers." from the lovely Mommy Wonderland.

Thank you to all that inspire me and follow along on my journey. I wish I could give all of you an award. But, hopefully we can be content that we can cross the globe, the races, religions, political stances and the such; and all come together to enjoy the blogworld together.

For those that received a little award, please grab the graphic to your liking. Please post whom you received your award, pass on to 15 blogs of your choice and please leave me a comment to confirm receipt. But, please don't feel pressured to play along unless you are up to it. I hope you enjoy your "red carpet" moment~ Cheers, darling!

Remember the movie Chariots of Fire? In tribute to my brother, Ken, running the marathon in Sacramento on December 6th at the age of 40 and usually in the top 5 for his age group and top 15 overall. My prayers are with you, bro. And, to the outstanding dedication of all the bloggers on my list. You are all truly top notch and ahead of the pack. I appreciate you letting me run with you.


  1. Thank you, you fabulous doll!
    Your words in this post are some of your finest~~it is an honor to see my name listed among such talented, gifted & beautiful bloggers...I wish I had dressed up for the occasion :)

    @ The Red Velvet Shoe

  2. Thank you so much pretty lady. I am honored to call you a bloggy bud!

  3. Congrats on all your fabulous awards, darling Christina!
    And thank you SO much for honoring me!!


  4. Oh Christina that is so so kind of you. Thank you for including DJA in your list.

    Good luck to your brother, wow he must be mega fit!

  5. a marathon!!! wow, I don't know how people do it!! Good luck to him ~~

    thanks so much for the mention too :)
    xo Laura

  6. Thank you so much for including me in your list! :) God bless!

  7. Thank you so much! What an honor to be included in such inspirational company. Your awards you received are well deserved. I will definitely spend some time checking out all of these blogs you have listed. It's so much fun seeing new ones highly recommended by someone whose taste you trust! Have a wonderful week my dear.


  8. Wow... I'm honour to be in your list!!! Merci Beaucoup!

  9. Hi Christina

    Congratulations on winning this fabulous award and thank you so much for passing it on to me! I'm thrilled to be included in your wonderful list. Hope the toothache gets better soon. Leigh

  10. I feel so honoured to receive this award! Your blog looks so wonderful lately. I am going to post this award right now in my blog. Thanks so much and keep writing for us!!

  11. Sweet Christina,
    What a treat to read this & see my name! It is a beautiful honor you have bestowed dear one; so giving, so heart-felt, so YOU!
    What you do in your blog needs to be bottled as the whole world needs a dose of your loving words every day!!!
    A big Merci Beaucoup to a most amazing spirit & truly fabulous gal.
    Lori @ Vignettes

  12. How exciting! I am so grateful that I dressed up a bit today since I am red carpet walking! ;)Have a wonderful day, thanks for making mine special!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  13. Wow thank you so much for including me on your list! I really loved what you had to say, especially how the blogworld comes together despite all our differences. Isn't it amazing?!

  14. Hi Christina,

    You are a sweetheart. Congratulations on your very deserving awards. I feel honored to be including as one of your admirable bloggs.

    Thank you

  15. that picture of audrey is gorgeous!

  16. love the pics!

  17. Congrats on your well deserved awards and I'm so glad I find you. I'm excited to check out these other blogs. Come stop by for a slice of San Francisco sweetie...

  18. tack tack tack.... or thank you sooooooooo mutch!!

    peace & love from agneta in sweden

  19. I am honored to walk the red carpet with all of these fabulous blogs! Thank you and congratulations! xoxp

  20. Really honoured to be included on your list, thank you!

    All the best to your brother.

  21. congratulations on the awards and so lovely of you to include me!

    thanks so much + happy, happy holidays,

  22. P.S.: Don't forget to enter the Ellington headband giveaway! :-)


  23. Thats so sweet!!
    Thank you soooo much - and keep up the good inspiring work here:)
    Love Rikke

  24. Thank you so much for the award! Wishing you a beautiful weekend!

  25. Hello Christina

    Tahnk you so much for the award that is very much appreciated! Enjoy yours!
    Have a lovely weekend
    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  26. Thank you so much! Cant believe i'm on your list, you have made my weekend!!! Mwah XOXO

  27. thanks love! i'm truly honored!


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.