Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Michelle Pfeiffer As Catwoman in Batman Returns Is Mesmerizing

Batman Returns (1992) is one of my son's favorite movies of all time.Well, he's only turning six, so his cinema exposure is quite limited. Ha... Ha... But, this is one of his movies I don't mind watching over and over. Let's face it, Tim Burton is a genius. What is hilarious is one of my son's wishes for his 6th birthday party this weekend is to have Mommy be Catwoman for his party. Why, oh why couldn't he ask me to wear a red Valentino dress or something? Catwoman. This is quite a tall order. Well, if you have seen this movie (Batman Returns) you know Michelle Pfeiffer is in serious slim shape, covered in tight shiny leather head to toe and has a 6 foot bull whip (Yes, I have the whip!) that she uses like a master. A bit spicy for a little boy's birthday party. Yes... I will surely need a shot of liquid courage before the first guests arrive. Or, two!!! And, the party must go on... Meow.

Catwoman lines from Batman Returns:
  • Miss kitty, I don't know about you but, I feel so much yummier.
  • Be gentle, it's my first time.
  • I am Catwoman, hear me roar.
  • Always confusing your pistols with your privates.
  • How could you? I am a woman!
  • Maybe you can help me find the woman behind the cat.
  • The thought of busting Batman makes me feel all dirty.
  • Life's a bitch, now so am I.

Ok, ok... I am off to put on my Catwoman costume yet again for my little Batman. Seriously... what we do for our kids.

Do you love this movie too? Who is your favorite Catwoman?
Or, what's the craziest thing you have done for your kids? I have a feeling, I have only just begun the craziness...


Video is youtube and photos are photobucket


  1. Hilarious.
    Two years ago, I dressed up as Jesse from Toy Story, cowhide chaps and all and went out for Halloween with my then three year old son... he was Woody. It was awesome and the photos are great! He was so proud I would do it again in a heartbeat. It actually made me kind of sad for the other kids that I was the only Momma dressed up!

  2. Christina, Good luck and enjoy being Catwoman....you look wonderful in that costume, xv.

  3. Oh you look sooo fabulous as catwoman...to be honest Danny Devito scares me in this movie..lol.

  4. Saw the side bar picture, you look fantastic.

  5. OMG...you looks magical,dear Christina in this Catwoman costume!!!-)*

    My Love,

  6. Wow. I haven't seen that flick in forever! And she WAS gorgeous in it!

  7. ah! i so want to be her for halloween!


  8. She was so ultra sexy and cool as Catwoman.

  9. p.s. Our blog has moved! We would love for you to visit us at our new site: http://www.bonbonrosegirls.com/
    Unfortunately, if you followed us with Google Friend Connect you'll have to re-follow but everything else is the same! Hugs, K

  10. There was no Catwoman like Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman... she nailed it! You should look at the comics from the early 90's era, where she had dark hair and a purple costume. The covers are amazing, the one liners killer!

    xo Andrea Grant


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