Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pasadena Showcase House of Design 2010~ The Cravens Estate

I was lucky enough to attend the Pasadena Showcase House of Design yesterday to celebrate Mother's Day with my Mom. It is our yearly treat to ourselves and this year it did not disappoint. It was by far the largest home, at 50 rooms and 20,000 square feet. Unfortunately, the tour is over this weekend. But, here are a few videos to feast your eyes on and see the process of designing this magnificent historic
Cravens Estate.

Have you ever attended a design house?
If so, what is your favorite in your neck of the woods?

May your weekend be filled with love, laughter and beauty.Thanks for stopping by, dear friend.



  1. Hello,dear Christina!-)*

    What a beautiful post and I can imaginbe how lovely and very pleasent time you has with you Mom...
    I am realy impressed about these vodeos from Pasadena House of Design!!!

    Wish you too a many,many sunshining in these weekend,darling!-)))*

    Love and hugs,

  2. oh my goodness, i wish i had gone!!!! i went to one of the design houses in Pasadena years ago...i wish i had known about it this year. thanks for sharing.
    xox alison

  3. Absolutely amazing, what an amazing treat! It looks so beautiful, and happy late Mother's Day to you! :)



Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

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