Friday, March 26, 2010

Lingerie Inspiration From a Black Haired Beauty Retro Gal

While most crazy gals I know are plopping down
money for a fake spray tan,
I found these images of this gorgeous black haired beauty
with the most memorable ivory pure skin.
Skin as white as snow and so gorgeous.
Mixed up with the most feminine flocks of all
Makes a fairy tale of all things rare, feminine and lost in the world.
I must say that lately I have seriously acquired a love for vintage lingerie. First of all, it 's quality, adorable and actually accentuates the waist. And, doesn't cost an arm and a leg. A trip to Nordstrom shocked me into my love for vintage due to the price tags.
What do you think of lingerie?
Do you treat it as a special expense and all holds bar?
Do you have a special expense just for lingerie?
Is this an area in your life were no matter
what, even if it means cheap dinners, you just don't skimp?
Does hot lingerie = hot stuff and happy life?
Please share, dear friends. I would love to hear.
My personal thought is whatever makes you feel "hot" will equte to your mate. So, if it's a vintage find or a $300 piece of lingerie from Nordstrom, whatever rocks YOUR boat will rock your mates boat. Rock on!


  1. Love them all. Just amazing!

    P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Sporty Knit Tigh-High Socks GIVEAWAY!♥

    Good luck!

  2. I'm Pale and black haired to and it's very hard no to give in and spray tan. But me and my twin think I suit the vintage looks more and I love vintage clothing especially the 40's

  3. Bonjour Christina,
    This model does have the most beautiful skin, never been in the sun that's for sure. I've never been to a tanning salon and never will. Some day my freckle face will thank me.
    Hope you received my email, thank you for your sweet one, it is much appreciated Christina!
    Bon weekend,

  4. These are amazing photos and her skin is so beautiful. I really love vintage slips. They are so glamorous.

  5. Lovely post. I'm a big fan of vintage lingerie as well as contemporary lingerie. The model is gorgeous as is the lingerie. I wear lingerie for me, not for anyone else. Sometimes just knowing that I have something delicious on underneath just puts a smile on my face.

  6. Lingerie is the most important thing alongside good perfume....for me, anyway. xv

  7. I love vintage lingerie and I own a lot of it. I also worship corsets. These photos are stunning and the underwear to die for. Thank you for sharing.


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.