Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy 1 Year Blog Birthday~ Celebrating In Style With Photographer Carl Bengtsson

Happy Birthday to Me ...
Happy Birthday to Me ...

Happy 1 Year Blog Anniversary,
Happy Birthday to Us,
My Dear Readers!

Because without YOU
there is NO ME here...

You listen and respond...

You help me set my path and focus...

You bring the most amazing beauty daily to the world...

You set the pace and the bar...

You make me want to create
and strive to push myself even more.
Every time I receive a comment or hit on my globe I am so grateful that you took the time to visit me.
It has been a true pleasure getting to know so many of you kind souls from all over the world these last 365 days and 199 posts later. I cherish the opportunity to learn and listen from so many talented people from all over the blogosphere. You all make it so worthwhile and bring me so much joy and inspiration.
~ ~
What would you like to see more of this year?

What inspires you?

Do you like old school glam, vintage clothing, today's fashion, fashion trends, interior design, my family snippets, gorgous editorials, insightful interviews, beautiful photography or fab finds of any flavor?
Please tell, as I am here to please.
~ ~
Thanks so much for stopping by and
helping me celebrate!




All photos taken by Carl Bengtsson and found on Flikr
To the person that loves to create mispellings in my posts, may I just say that I wish you the best of luck and hope you find something much more valuable to do for mankind.


  1. wow so pretty my fave photo is the second one the glamour of the 'me' and the grungy lockers so work together

  2. Happy Bloganniversary, dearest Christina! :-)

  3. Happy Blogday Christina...I wish you many more, xv.

  4. Happy Blogiversary, darling!
    Keep up the amazing work ~ this post is soooo gorgeous!


  5. magnifique!!!
    Bon anniversaire de blog


  6. Happy Blog birthday! Loving all the beautiful pics! Have a sweet day!

  7. Happy Blogger Anniversary to you! I remember our very first exchange. . . wish I had the time to visit this place of lovliness more often. Bravo to you, Fabulous Finds Gal, Bravo!!

  8. Congratulations to the first anniversary of your blog.
    Would like to see more of old school glamour.
    Have a nice day.

  9. Happy blog anniversary, Christina!

    All the photos are so enchanting... I´m dreaming ;)

    Have a beautiful day ahead!

  10. Happy Blogaversary Christina! Here's to many more. Great images and everything you listed inspires me!
    Good week to you!

  11. wow, happy birthday!!! Loving these images x

  12. Hi I found your blog through Bonjour Romance. Your blog is delightful and I love this post!
    Congrats on one year blogoversay!

  13. What a gorgeous way to celebrate your blogoversary! Congrats on the milestone lovely lady! As far as fashion goes...SJP both as her self and Ms. Bradshaw continues to inspire me!

  14. A fairy tale of living such a beautiful life.



Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.