Friday, March 5, 2010

Let's Just Dance

Sure, this world is full of trouble-
I ain't said it ain't,
Lord! I've had enough, an' double,
Reason for complaint.
Rain an' storm have come to fret me,
Skies were often gray:
Thorns an' brambles have beset me
On the road, but say,
Ain't it fine today!

What's the use of always weepin',
Making' trouble last?
What's the use of always keepin'
Thinkin' of the past?
Each must have this tribulation,
Water with his wine.
Life it ain't no celebration.
Trouble? I've had mine-
But today is fine.

It's today that I am livin',
Not a month ago,
Havin', losing', takin', givin'
As time wills it so.
Yesterday a cloud of sorrow
Fell across the way;
It may rain again tomorrow,
It may rain-but, say,
Aint's it fine today!
~Douglas Malloch

I hope you enjoy your weekend, sweet readers.
May you find joy in whatever you do and
in whatever circumstances you find yourself in.
May we all find a moment where we can just dance it all away...
and enjoy the beauty and purity of the moment.
Let's just dance...


Svenska Elle
Sandra Freij

Ellen Af Geijerstam


  1. Great idea! I am due for a great dance it all away night...have a great weekend,

  2. Let us just dance is right! It's a fun way to burn calories, and it's a healthy form of foreplay!


  3. Those photographs make me feel like dancing! Gorgeous

  4. what a sweet sentiment! i hope you have a lovely weekend too.
    xoxo alison


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.