Monday, February 22, 2010

Family Memories At Their Best

As life marches on, we are truly trying our best to
create good family times and memories.
Let me share with you my son's first snow angel. Priceless.

Our first real sled ride that got all us squealing and flying through the air.
And, yes, if you were on board last week you will get a little chuckle from my hubby wearing my purple smurf snow gloves.

If you check carefully, you will see a snowball pass by my ear
with the greatest of ease.
The boy has a bit of an arm. Well, better said what he misses in aim
he makes up in heart.

Our very first snowman (or more like a our first chicken?) made from scratch.
A precious moment of Daddy helping Christian walk to the sled site.

An amazing snow day with the people most precious to my heart.
My thought for today is that take time to create memories
and enjoy every moment along the way with
whomever is most important in your life.
Because one day you are 25 and the next day you are 40.
My Mom says then you are 65 in a blink.
It can feel like a blink sometimes. And, sometimes it feels like it's been a hundred years in between.
But, what you do with those days with the one's you love is what really what matters.
Boy, I sure sound like a huge cliche'. But, it is true for me today.
What do you think? Are you feeling it?



  1. Haha! What a funny post, my dear! Ur son is cute!

    Please don't forget to enter the Schnappy Jewelry giveaway!

  2. love seein your smiles! and Big CDog pulls off the gloves with much Macho Pride! hugs -M

  3. Adorable! I love playing in the snow with my boys!!!!

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  5. so nice post great thank you for sharing

  6. merci pour le partage, il s'agit d'un post-Nice, la Grande!


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

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