Friday, February 12, 2010

Figuring Out What Is Really Important In Life

Today was the day of our first snow fight and one of the most glorious days as a family . Yes, it has taken us 5 1/2 years to take our little one to the snow. I am not exactly sure why we took so long, as our local snow spot is only an hour and a half away from our beach side community. I wonder if we are so spoiled by all that we have, that we don't even appreciate all that surrounds us. And, my thoughts would normally be... well, we are in a recession and we need to be conservative. But, today's activities show me that it doesn't take a lot of money to have a good time. I got all of my son's snow boots and outfit from our local trade/consignment store. So, no money spent there. My husband and I already had appropriate gear, well most of it. So what if my husband wore jeans, several sweat shirts and my old purple ski gloves. It was a gorgeous sunny day at 40 degrees and we were all warm enough. We didn't even need to pay for the ski tickets, since the nice workers suggested we actually just go to the next turnout and sled for free. Santa brought sleds already, so we didn't need to pay for rubber rafts. Plus, the snow was as deep as 4 feet at the ski lodge runs and would surely not be safe for our little 42" boy. So, bottom line is we spent very little.
I have grown up at the beach since I was 4. I have seen a hundred times the kids that get off the bus from "inland" in their jeans and jump into the ocean with pure abandon. When I was a kid I would think, "why on earth don't they own a pair of swim trunks or shorts"?
But, I see that we were the one's today that a mountain family would look and think "why on earth is that man in jeans, a sweatshirt and smurf purple girl gloves"? (Also, a moment when I thought he is a REAL man to pull this off.)
So, I guess all my rambling surmises that making memories with those you love is the best and most important thing in the world. And, if you are doing it in wet jeans (even if you look like a fool to others or a smurf)... who the heck cares? Making the memory is more important.
I think that one of the benefits of a recession is we are forced to rethink what is really important and what we really need.
What do you think?
Have you ever had a similar moment or time in your life?
(Or, do you just want to send us some appropriate snow gear so we stop making fools of ourselves?! LOL)


  1. Memories are definitely what it's all about Christina.....IT sounds like you all had the most wonderful day and will remember it for a long day to come. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, xv.

  2. You are right Christina it is moments like these that are priceless.
    WIshing you a Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. That's great that you got to enjoy the snow!


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