Monday, January 4, 2010

Award Time... The REAL Deal This Time

Ok, kids. Since no one actually took an award a few days ago, I am more than happy to present them. The rules are to please link back to the person that gave you the award (hello, that's me!). And, to pass along the award to your 10 favorite blogs that inspire you daily.
Thank you to the Scientific Housewife for these gracious awards. Please take a moment and visit her lovely blog, as she is curing cancer by day and a glamorous housewife by night. That is a WOW.
The "Happy 101" award is quite special since it's for those that make you happy with kind words, sweet thoughts and good times. It is so sweet. Well, I thought so.
I had to put a small twist on your awards, since you gals are so darn talented. Many of you already have one of these awards (I took a little look around), so please choose the award that you haven't already received. And, thank you for all the inspiration!!!
Drum roll please ....
~ ~
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Now, please go ahead and take your award. If you would not mind, please leave me a comment so I know you have received it (even if you don't participate in awards). Thank you for inspiring me and supporting my little blog on your blogroll.
I know I've forgotten someone. So, if it is you I am deeply sorry. Frankly, there are more than 20 peeps that inspire me daily. But, this is all for fun right? Right.


  1. Thanks for the mention, you deserve them! Have a great day :)

  2. Thanks so much for your kind comment!
    Happy 2010!!!!!!

  3. Thank you for including us with such a fabulous group of ladies. You inspire us with your divine taste and class!

  4. Thank you so much, Christina! :-)Love Ur classy taste - U know. ;-)


  5. Thank-you so much!! I am going to check out all the other winners on your list! xoxo

  6. Bonjour Christina,
    Merci for thinking of me, I'm very excited to be part of such wonderful list of bloggers.
    Will be posting about it soon.

  7. You are an absolute doll! Thank you for including me!!

    Thank you for your kind and sweet words and I must apologize for being such a schmuck lately at returning visits. My life has been a bit of a whirlwind lately, but I'm so happy I'm finally here at your lovely and amazing blog!

    Love and hugs,

  8. So sweet of you! I'll be grabbing my award! I appreciate it. :)

  9. Darling Christina:
    Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for honoring my new blog ~ can't wait to add these to my page! Yay!


  10. Ah thank you sooo much - thats really sweet of you:)
    I really like your blog too - so much inspiration so this award goes right back at ya:)
    Have a great week Christina!!!!
    Hugs from me Rikke!

  11. You are so sweet! Congrats on your award and thank you so much for including me! x

  12. thank you so much for the award...i'm honored to be on your list!!
    we will be posting it (along with a link to your blog) on our site soon.
    congrats to YOU for receiving the awards!
    xoxoxox alison

  13. Sounds pretty exciting! Good luck on linking sites.

  14. Belated Happy New Year and I wish you a prosperous year!

  15. Thanks incredibly Christina, you are so kind. It came as such a huge surprised and very appreciated. I am so pleased to find your blog as well. All my very best to you for a superior 2010.

    x deb

  16. Oh thank you soooooo much for this lovely award dear Christina...I'm blushing!

    Have a great week, cheers: Evi

  17. Dear Christina, THANK YOU so very much for thinking of me and Awarding me with this spectacular Award! I prmise to proudly display it on my Blog.:-) This is the first beautiful surprise this year!An congratulations to you on being Awarder too. Well deserved!:-)

  18. Congratulations for all you awards! Thank you so much for thinking of me for this award! :)

  19. Christina,

    Thank you so much for your dear and sweet gesture of giving me this award. I feel honored to be included in such fantastic selection of blogs. I've been completely out of blogging for the last few weeks submerged into my own busy world. As soon as I come back blogging I'll be posting this award. Once again thank you for your fantastic content and fabulous finds.



  20. I think that you are all those things too, thank you SO much for including DJA in your list. I know a few on the list and they are fabulous girls.


  21. Thank you so much for my award, how nice of you :)

    I very much appreciate the lovely comments you leave on my blog, thank you.

    Have a lovely week-end :)

  22. Merci Beaucoup for the award! I'm honour to be in that FAB list!
    Hope all is well with you!


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.