Monday, December 14, 2009

Santa, Oh Santa... Just In Case You Need A Little Hint or Two...

Dear Santa,
I have been nice this year, so thought you might like a few subtle, or not so subtle hints...
First of all, classy lingerie from Frou Frou Fashionista.
Ho... Ho... Ho... Santa...

Absolutely anything from Betsey Johnson, please...

Bliss Linens... You just can't go wrong here.
Luxury never goes out of style...

A fabulous Italian bench from Paris Boutique Hotel... This would be amazing as a piano bench for the three of us. Right? It might actually make me want to play the piano everyday!

Every bloggers dream, a decent camera. Any type will do.

LADURE'E. If you haven't tried it, I must tell you it will be a memorable moment. I've only tried the almonds, so a macaroon might just do the trick. But, I think I 'm becoming addicted! Don't tell my trainer! She can't take this away. No way.

I just finished Vicki Archer's first book, "My French Life" and was delighted with the magnificent photography by Carla Coulson and the brilliant descriptive writing. So, I definitely would love to see "French Essence" in my stocking to take me away to Provence (while the boys play our new Wii for hours).

What's a list without a little CC? This fabulous Chanel ring can be Found here. But, really Santa, any old (code word for vintage) Chanel will do!


Well, that would just about do it! I know, no wish for ending world hunger or world peace. I am so self involved. Tee hee...


What are you putting on your Christmas wish list? Do we have anything vaguely in common?



P.S. I am content with my Anthropologie sweater and our Wii Christmas this year.

This is all for good fun.


  1. I would love to put Chanel on my Christmas list but I might have to wait 10 years or so for that lol. Great list :)

  2. Love your list lady! Bestey will forever be one of my faves!! How did I not know Vicki was published? Wow am I slow!

  3. I think I might forward a copy of your list to Santa and add my name and address - you never know I might get lucky! Leigh

  4. Well hey, a lot more in the stocking now I've seen all these great ideas. You are so funny and sweet.

  5. I with ya on the camera, most definitely the Laduree ( as me in Paris AT Laduree ! ) I look forward to Vicki's book coming to the states upon the new year. Would love a laptop so I can blog anywhere ! Happiest of Holidays to you my dear !!! xoxo lisa

  6. Chanel and Sony should always make a christmas list!

  7. I definitely hope that Santa is paying attention. That would be great if you got some or all of these items.

  8. love them all. the wii is amazing. my dad loves wii fit!

  9. Wonderful wish list! Beautiful lingerie is also on mine, as well as some books, films and a pair of red shoes with killer heels.

  10. Gorgeous gift ideas, darling! Love that bench!
    Hope Santa is very good to you this year :)

    Happy Holidays!


  11. I need to make my list...Anything from BJ would be great as well!


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.