Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lily Allen, Chanel's New "It Girl". Who Is She?

A few months ago when I saw this amazing ad campaign of a Audrey Hepburn look a like as Chanel's new "It Girl" I was scratching my head. Who is Lily Allen?
I found out that Lily Allen takes the cover of ES Magazine with an insightful interview this month. She is definitley not a shy gal. More up and in your face. You can read this interview here.

She is a "Pop sensation. Voice of her generation. Fashion designer. Political activist. Mouthy blogshite. X-rated sexpert. Fall-down drunk. WAG-tagoniser. Queen of MySpace. Exhibitionist. Primadonna. Style icon. Celebrity girlfriend. Celebrity daughter. Celebrity sister. Paparazzi prey. Party starter. Princess.

Lily Allen has been called all these things, and much, much more - sometimes with justification, often without. She's posh, she's common, she's sexy, she's demure, she's reticent, she's outspoken, she's sensitive, she's shameless, she's loved-up, she's distraught, often all in the same evening. Then she goes to bed, gets up and has breakfast. Then she posts her breakfast on the Internet. Then other people analyse her breakfast. And wonder why she posted it on the Internet.

Contrary, contradictory, occasionally catty, always compelling, Allen, at 23, is Britain's most consistently engaged and engaging pop star, as well as one of our most successful. from Lily Allen Music." found on her
Lily Allen website.

What do you think about Lily Allen being
Chanel's new cover face?


  1. I love these Chanel be honest I never heard about Lilly Allen before and when I first saw these Chanel ads I thought it's Kate Beckinsale...

    But thanks for brightening me up :-)

    Wishing you Merry Christmas and a beautiful holiday season, much love: Evi

  2. I like her voice. Im not sure I like her being Chanel's new it girl. I just think Chanel is so classy and..she's just not what I think of when i think about Chanel. BUT she is a doll, so maybe I will like it soon enough. Good post. We used to play Lilly all the time at Charlotte. She made me dance.


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

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