Monday, December 7, 2009

It's A Family Affair... A Little Christmas Tree Inspiration

From my little family to yours...

From Christian and my Dad, Poppi...

With my collection of glass red ornaments
that I have collected for years...

And, Santa that was my first Christmas decoration from my parents 15 years ago.
Santa almost didn't make it through many a garage cleaning.
So, I am relieved to see Santa again this year. And, Christian loves him...

The Christmas tree is up in all it's red glory...

Crazy and Over-the-top with the huge poinsettias...

My Mom, Granna, and Christian
getting into the spirit of Christmas
while setting up the tree...

Good times with family...
Creating traditions and memories for all...
And, the official start of the holiday season for our family...
It's a family affair.

What is your favorite holiday tradition?

Happy Holidays!


All photos taken by yours truly, Christina Gough


  1. It's a beautiful tree, but that woman is too young looking to be anyone's Grandma!


  2. Yea Santa for making it all those years! Beautiful pictures! Love the poinsettias.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Charmed giveaway!

  3. What a gorgeous tree! I love red so this is perfect.

  4. Oh the tree is just SO gorgeous, I love it!

    What totally sweet photo's of your Dad and Mom (looking fab) and cute Christian.

    Have a great day,

  5. Such lovely holiday inspirations dear Christina. And I love the red decoration :-) Thanks for sharing.

    Cheers: Evi

  6. Your tree is just beautiful I knew it would be. And your son is soooooooooo adorable!

  7. You have exquisite taste. Truly. I learn so much with each visit. This tree is stunning, gorgeous. I so loved seeing photos of your little one too, adorable!

  8. Beautiful classy christmas tree!

    Don't forget to ENTER the Hoolala Lucky Bag giveaway! GOOD LUCK! ♥

  9. Great photos. Those look so fantastic. I always love putting up the tree and all the other decorations.


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