Friday, November 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Table Test Run~ Am I Ready To Get The Party Started???

Well, I decided to take quick break from the home tour of the owners of Whim's house because it was time today to do a test run for Thanksgiving. My parents were going to have Thanksgiving, but we decided yesterday that it was best that my husband and I have it. So, no pressure!!! Like a good little hostess, I hit a few stores today while small child was in school to gather a bit of inspiration and maybe a few new tricks. What I came up with was the wreath in brown and gold that I turned to hold the pumpkin as a centerpiece. On sale for $15 just seems to do the trick. After I hit a few stores I had my weekly training session with my trainer which proceeded to take my "at rest" heart rate. She said "wow" that's a lot higher than last time. I didn't have the heart to tell her I was in a decorator hell. Somehow I didn't think she would understand. We all have our sicknesses, right? After viewing the table scape from Eric and Daviell last weekend, they really set the bar.
Here is my everyday dinner plate, candlewick salad plate from my gracious Grandmother, Pierre Frey napkins acquired over 10 years ago, beaded butterfly napkin holders about 15 years ago from a San Fransisco trip, silver place setting from my gracious Grandmother, Versace glasses from my parents last year and custom wine glasses by a friend, Misty, last year.

So, after whipping out the said wreath I had to see what the heck I was going to create and if it would even work. I pulled these items from the living room and kitchen bay window. I was a mad woman on a search for all things orange and brown. These are items I have collected over the years from various shops. I always had a thing for those gold 60's grapes and I am thankful today I did. They seem to work perfectly with the Thanksgiving theme I am creating. And, they have such a great reflective property.

This is a great example of adding a special item each year to your table. This wine glass was hand painted by my friend, Misty Maretsky, a local talent and fellow momma. I had thought last year that leopard and those colors would be timeless and useful in my house. Again, I was very thankful today. (Um, I thought I should try to see what a glass of Merlot would look like... tee hee)

You can't see very well, but the drinking glass on the bottom left is a Versace glass that my hubby was lucky enough to receive as a set of 6 from my parents last Christmas. They are coming in handy this Thanksgiving!

So, I pulled a velveteen drape and made it the table runner. Don't tell anyone! I also pulled those balls from a previous decoration. Oh, how I love using what I already have. I used the balls to create interest and a lower filler for the grapes. The colors and different textures just seem to work. I mixed matte with shine to create interest as well.

Here's my storm trooper that just happened to match my Thanksgiving theme today. I guess I had Thanksgiving on the brain.

A little back side view. I need to fill it in a bit to match the front. The pumpkin does the trick, but if I could do my dream centerpiece it would be a piece of art glass in the same colors. But, since I still have a small stromtrooper, art glass is on hold for now. But, I can keep my eyes open. Now I know my measurements and you just don't know what you can find.

So, there it is. The official test run for my Thanksgiving table. It looks like we will have 6 adults and my little one. So, I could show the grain of the table instead of using a tablecloth. I am liking the wood grain, since I normally do a tablecloth. But, I was wondering your thoughts. Should I do a tablecloth? Any other suggestions? We have a little time to pull it off! This psycho momma hostess is now enjoying that yummy glass of wine and hopefully my resting heart rate is down to normal... I never said I was normal!

Fabulous Finds Gal


  1. It is all really lovely.
    Hey, take care of your heart.


  2. I think you are more than ready. You did a great job. Congratulations.


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.