Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving from My Family to Yours

A few special moments with our family this year...

Endless days at the beach making sandcastles, playing in the water and surfing.
It is 78 degrees outside today, but the water is only 62 degrees.

Many a day having play dates with our favorite little friends. Zackary, as Batman, taking down Spiderman, again... And, asking if they can have cookies from the oven. Oh, the life of a stay at home Momma.

My dear brother and his sweet wife, Ken and Denise in Oregon, enjoying an evening out on the town...

My brother and nephew, Ken and Chase enjoying some good quality time. My brother is running a marathon next week where he will be pushing for his personal best.

Legoland with Chase and Christian....
Good times...

Chase enjoying a moment of rest (silence) from Christian...

My parents, Shirley and Jim, watching us carve our pumpkin on our veranda...

Mr. Fabulous, Calvin, and Christian learning how to ride a bike and shoot some hoops...

And, there he goes...
He's getting a "big boy" bike for Christmas, so we need to get those training wheels off!

Christian ready to visit Rogers Gardens in Newport Beach to see all the Christmas trees and take a ferry ride with Granna and Poppi. With his favorite pet "Mr. Duckie". (If you want a little holiday inspiration, check out the Rogers Gardens link.)

I am thankful for:

1. My family

2. Our health

3. Our home, food and all the blessings we have

4. Being able to be a stay at home Mom

5. All my blogging friends that bring me daily inspiration and friendship from all over the world

May your Thanksgiving be filled with love, family, thankfulness and many blessings for the coming year.

What are you thankful for today?

Don't forget to send in your Thanksgiving table photos for the contest and giveaway!

Fabulous Finds Gal


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I feel like, right now, there's nothing I'm not thankful for! :)


  2. Happy Thanksgiving, my dear!

    Ur family looks soooo fabulous! Thanks for sharing these pics. Awesome!

    by the way: please don't forget to enter my giveaway... ;-)


  3. Oh thank you for sharing. Beautiful.

    Happy Thanksgiving,


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

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