Monday, November 23, 2009

The Garden Fairytale, Grounded in Earth and Southern Belle Holiday Tablescape Inspiration From Whim Interior Design

The whimsical "garden fairytale" holiday table created by Whim Interior Design at their home in San Juan Capistrano. Just whimical, magical and out of the world fabulous.

In contrast to the fairy table, this "grounded in nature" table is loaded with branches, wood and colors of nature. Just breathtaking.

Thirdly, the "southern belle" holiday dining table made up for Christmas in the Folie home. This was my final picture when I ran out of memory on my camera (hint to Santa!). So, the official end to my home tour of this fab-u-lous historic property of Daviell Maldonado and Eric Guenther.
Good luck with your Thanksgiving table this week. I'm going to have a Thanksgiving table scape giveaway, so get your tables and pictures ready to send in! Send to More to follow...
Which one of these table scapes calls to you? The garden fairyland, the grounded in earth or the southern belle holiday table?

Fabulous Finds Gal

All photos taken by yours truly, Christina Gough. Please contact for permission to duplicate or copy.


  1. You are so kind and warm and I love your blog, you know that already! I visit you often often! Thank you also for the birthday greeting!

    Peace and love


  2. What a fun topic! I can't wait to see the pics you collect. I would have to say my favorite would be the Southern Belle, love the feel of the room. Have a fabulous week and Thanksgiving!

  3. WOW... those are full of fantasy!!! FUN!!!

  4. The Southern Belle speaks to me. Can't get over that gorgeous chandelier!


Oh... please tell me what is on your mind! Don't be shy, my pretties. Merci!!

Please, let's all be nice and mind our manners. Constructive criticism is appreciated and is always taken best when started with something nice. If it is not constructive, it will not be posted. We all have feelings, darlings. Now type away... I love to hear from you.