Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Parent's Peaceful Garden

Since I shared their boudoir on my previous post, I thought I should share their garden as well.
My parents have always been favorable to all white roses and flowers in their garden. My Dad has always enjoyed taking care of his yards and they eat on their patio all the time. They use their table outside as an extension of their home and most family dinners will be had there. They do have several pieces of furniture outside that most people would put inside, but it adds a unique charm to the space. They also have thought of lighting by utilizing rustic chandeliers and candle holders. It is a peaceful place. I guess for most people their parents home just feels like "home" to them? I also feel I can just breathe a little easier when visiting. Well, probably because I can relax and enjoy the beauty and don't have any chores over there!!!
Have yourself a beautiful and peaceful day!


  1. What a sweet manicured garden :) It has such a cozy yet classy feel. I can see why you love visiting! Thanks for sharing such a lovely space.

  2. Spending time at my Mom's home makes me feel like a little girl...all safe and cozy! That garden is beautiful. : )

  3. Just as gorgeous as their bedroom Christina...xv


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