Saturday, September 12, 2009

Weekend Read "Shifting Gears"~ Top 20 Weekly Fashion Posts~Links A' La Mode


Shifting Gears

Photo by James M. Graham

Edited by Jennine

It’s here. Summer’s (basically) over, back to school, back to work… even in fashion today is the official first day of Fashion Week madness, and New York is only the beginning. I’ve always thought once Labor Day rolled around, we shifted gears realizing that the year is almost out it’s time to start packing it all in! This week, we’ve got an amazing round of links…seriously, it was so hard to pick only 20. Style Amor wonders if we really need fashion week at all… Heavy Heels sense the Winds of Change, as models start chopping their locks, The Demoiselles start a getting healthy project for a bunch of ladies, kaKofonie Of si(gh)lenS gets an remarkable interview with Patricia Ayers.

Links à la Mode : September 10th

1 comment:

  1. Bloody hell we didn't even feel the summer in the UK! Nats and I already started to look at winter clothes cause it's getting sooooo freazing already, hope some of these fashion websites will help us to get a great winter look! ;D


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